Thursday, July 5, 2007


As you can see, you are welcomed to the new site for upcoming info and most importantly encouragement from the ministry of worship and music established at Grace Baptist Church. After a time of praying how to convey upcoming info, thoughts, plans, encouragement, etc., this has become a great resource for current communication. Bear with me as this page will evolve each week for a while.

I wanted to start off with telling you all that I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday, July 8th. It's a special day to me because it's my One Year Anniversary to Lauren Watson!!! How incredible is that? I can only boast in the Father for giving me a great partner in crime. Now after saying real purpose for this is to update you on the line up for this Sunday morning: Be here at 8:45--NOT 8:46.

"Holy Is the Lord"--Tomlin (We stand and lift up our hands...)
"God Is Great"--Sampson [Future live songs cd (God is great and his praise fills the earth...)]
"All Creation"--Parsley (We did it last Sunday--You are holy, You are holy, You are holy, Lord)
"You Are God Alone--Foote (You are God alone from before time began...)

After planning/praying, I felt led not to do "Lift Jesus Up" this week without being able to practice it more. We'll pick it up at our next rehearsal.

A new update for our Wednesday rehearsals: We are going to meet at 6:30pm from now on (starting July 11) as the band will be joining us during our rehearsals!!! The band will meet at 5:30pm and prepare for the choir rehearsal at 6:30. Please be diligent to be there on time. Thank you so much for your patience.

We worship a Holy and Sovereign God who has plans way beyond our expectations, timing, or understanding.

I look forward to seeing this Sunday,

Chad Watson


jengallahar said...

Thanks Chad! This is a great idea.

Dennise Romine said...

Thanks Chad for the info. This will be a great way for everyone to keep informed.

Rachel Hardy said...

Woohoo! A music ministry blog! That's the way to take things to another level! I think this is awesome!

Julie Winfrey said...

This is definitely a step in the right direction. It will be very helpful knowing the lineup in case someone can't make rehearsal. Great idea.

Meladee said...

What a great ida. I am having some trouble with it so I will call Monday to get instructions on how to listen to posted music.

Meladee said...

Great idea! I will need some help on how to use the site.

Lisa S said...

Thanks Chad! GBC Music is now officially "on the web".

Jill Dunaway said...

Thanks so much, Chad! This is a great idea!!!! I hope you and Lauren had an AWESOME first anniversary!!