Monday, July 9, 2007

New Updates

We've got some new updates to our page that I'm very excited about! If you'll direct your attention to upper right hand corner of the page, you'll see "Sites Worth Visiting". By clicking on Grace Worshipcast, you'll be able to listen to the songs for this Sunday. This link will be updated on a weekly basis as each week's order changes. You have a few options: You can either listen to the songs directly on the page by clicking, "listen", or you can subscribe to this podcast if you are an I-Tunes user. Please let me know if you have any problems with the page--songs not working, page not loading, etc. I'm still working out glitches as I speak.

You guys did a wonderful job of leading the congregation on Sunday. Thank you for being "expressers" of worship! I look forward to seeing you all this Wednesday evening. REMEMBER: BAND--5:30PM AND CHOIR--6:30PM.

Have a wonderful week!

Chad Watson

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